Telford Visually Impaired Group, CIO, Charity Number: 1209274
Telford Visually Impaired Group was set up in 2006 and we now near our 20th Anniversary. In July 2024 we achieved Charitable Status, being listed as a Charity Incorporated Organisation (CIO) Since the group was established, it has helped a considerable number of people come to terms with Sight Loss. We rely on a Simple formula, of Visually Impaired People talking to Visually Impaired People, sharing experiences and sharing solutions to problems in everyday life. Essentially Telford Visually Impaired Group is a Self Help Group.
The Group Meet at Meeting Point House, Southwater Square, Telford Town Centre on the First Thursday of the Month at 1.30pm finishing around 3.30 to 4pm, this is flexible and some members do need to leave earlier for their transport timings to go home.
Founders Ken & Paula, and the small number of members managing the Group know the importance of the Carers for the Visually Impaired Person. Their life is not easy, they find that “they can never get things right” and caring for a Visually Impaired person can be most frustrating. Our philosophy is that the carers should also meet in the Group and share their experiences with each other to understand that they are not alone and that others are equally frustrated by their new roll in life. Let us face it, for years people have shared their duties such as shopping and around the home and now with one having sight loss, the work load increases for the carer, probably at a time in life when they are older and when that extra work is most certainly not needed.
To help and encourage our members to develop new friendships and enjoy the fellowship of the Group we organise lunches out a couple of times a year, probably with a Christmas Lunch in early December; Day Trips out to places of interest and every second or third year we organise a short break away, plus a Book Club, which all adds to the overall package of the enjoyable experience of being a Member of Telford Visually Impaired Group.
We are obliged to charge a Membership Fee to cover the small expenses for refreshments at meetings etc, however we keep this to a minimum in our attempt to keep all aspects of the Group affordable, hence our annual charge of £5 per Member - making a total of £10 for a couple (includes membership to the book club).
All of our events are subsidised as far as funds allow in an attempt to make them affordable and available to each and every Member. We try to ensure that we give good value and provide the opportunity to learn from others in similar circumstances and who have similar problems, both the Visually Impaired Person and their Carer.
Telford Visually Impaired group is Affiliated to Sight Loss Shropshire and is recognised by Telford & Wrekin Council and RNIB
For more information call 01952 250 110 or 01952 501 437
Please see What is currently planned to get a flavour of what we offer Future Events are listed below, together with Meeting Dates & Planned Speakers